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Telehealth - We Can Provide Physical Therapy To You At Home

We know these are trying, uncertain times and we feel for our community, our country and our world for all that it is enduring right now. We just wanted to tell you that we miss your friendly faces and the clinic is not the same without you. While we are limiting our in-person visits to keep our patients and staff safe, we are still here for you if you need us. We have been working hard to keep up with the rapidly changing opportunities in the world of Telehealth and all of our providers are now up and running to conduct Telehealth visits! Every insurance carrier is different and, unfortunately, not all companies are covering Telehealth at this time. However, if you are interested, please get in touch with us and we would be happy to evaluate available options under your plan. Until we can be together again, we wish you and your loved ones health, safety and comfort as we all navigate this together to become, once again, MAINE STRONG!

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